Leeds - Belmont (ITA)

Page last updated: 12/4/2020


The need for a Post Office feed to the Belmont transmitter arose in July 1974 as a result of ITV franchise changes. The transmitter entered service in October 1965 carrying the Anglia television service, for which the ITA was permitted to operate its own SHF link. When the station was transferred to the Yorkshire region a vision circuit was provided via the northern section of the London - Leeds route, with a branch at Farley. At this stage BBC services from Belmont continued to use off-air reception of Emley Moor, and carried the "North" regional programmes.

BT diagram RP6814 (Leeds Area Broadcast TV Arrangements) was revised in April 1978 to include circuits for BBC1 and BBC2, with Channel 4 added in 1982. This arrangement continued until the early 1990s: Channel 4 moved to a new (BT) digital distribution network in 1993 with the BBC transferring to new arrangements in December 1994. The closure date for the ITV link is unknown. At present we have no detail of the equipment or band used for this route.