Green Lowther appears on the 1959 Network Map as part of the "programmed" route from Carlisle to Kirk o'Shotts A 1967 photo (below) shows a tower with "small horn" however it is clear a new structure had been provided by 1975 - a "68 foot 5A modular tower". Initially this carried two large and one smaller dish facing each way and the tower was three sections high and two sections wide, with space between the tower and building. Later photos show the tower had been extended in height and width - an example of how the "Type 5A" modular design allowed for future expansion.
The link from Carlisle to Kirk o'Shotts became the main televison link to and from Scotland from the mid-1960s and continued to operate using 1980s digital links. Following subsequent migration to fibre and removal of the main dishes the "Type 5A" tower was dismantled and replaced by a more conventional structure by 2018.