Rough Common was added to the BT network in the mid-1980s as part of a second cross-channel link. The initial planning application was submitted in 1985, with further details approved during 1986. The location is near to the old Canterbury VHF televison relay which closed down in 1983 and was subsequently removed. The existing structure was unsuitable for BT purposes but planning documents noted there would be no "net increase" in the number of towers.
By the time of the planning application it seems the new route had been finalised with Rough Common as an intermediate site between Westley Heights and Archers Court (near Dover). A "Type 8A" tower and the 1980s standard form of building were provided. Planning drawings show the tower with a full complement of dishes for the various bands available but in practice the use of a shared a site at Westley Heights and the move to fibre meant the route did not reach the planned capacity and most likely closed during the early 2000s.
Rough Common now provides a number of local BT links but also carries High Frequency Trading routes from London to Europe, some of which run via Westley Heights and Archers Court as well as other non-BT sites in Essex and Kent.