Core Hill

Page last updated: 26/6/2018

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Core Hill developed alongside the BBC Meldrum transmitter, which entered service in October 1955. Initially the Post Office provided a link on SHF from Craigowl where transmissions from Kirk o'Shotts were received "off air" and the installation at Meldrum appears to have been a single dish on the BBC mast. The Post Office facility later expanded with a separate tower and building, extending the SHF route to Tor Sliasg (to serve the transmitter at Rosemarkie). Meldrum was not used for UHF television however an SHF link was used subsequently to feed the BBC FM transmitter.

The route from Aberdeen (Granite Hill) to Tor Sliasg was used for trunk telephony traffic following the addition of new sites in the mid-1970s - this expansion coincided with the introduction of off-shore troposcatter communications for which an "inland" link was required between Mormond Hill and Scousburgh. The building is of the standard style used from around 1960 and the tower is of the "pylon" design and also difficult to relate to a more specific era. It is possible the separate Post Office site dates from the 1960s when the link to Rosemarkie was provided, or that the development was part of the mid-1970s upgrade or perhaps that a 1960s tower was replaced in the 1970s to provide additional capacity.

As of 2016 there were still large dishes in place facing Granite Hill and Tor Sliasg however Ofcom data shows only local 18 GHz now operating.



Core Hill 1956

Copyright BT Heritage [TCB417/E 20800]

At this stage the Post Office dish would have been on the BBC mast.

Core Hill 1956

Copyright BT Heritage [TCB417/E 20802]

A view of the equipment - understood to be STC 4 GHz.


Copyright Google

The BT site is south east of the broadcast mast - and is shorter than other towers nearby.


Core Hill 2009

Copyright Alison Mack(Geograph)


See first photo at The Transmission Gallery: Meldrum