The overall map shows all “core” Post Office/BT sites used from the 1960s to 1980s, together with historical locations used for earlier links. The initial list of sites was based on a 1980s BT map. A few later additions in Scotland have been included to allow the current network to be seen in the context of the updated “Highlands and Islands” scheme. Other local exchange links have been included only where they are of historical interest.
In general non-BT (“customer premises”) sites have been excluded. An exception is television facilities where a studio or transmitter was directly connected at SHF via the BT network. These, along with other sites used exclusively for broadcast links are shown with grey markers. Sites forming part of the Linesman radar system are shown with brown markers.
Core network sites shown in green have been checked and all details are believed correct – however new information sometimes emerges which may require revisions. Those in yellow may have a reasonably complete account but require checking and the addition of photos.
Latitude and longitude for each site have been fine-tuned from aerial photos and the marker shows the position of the PO/BT building (or previous location of the building). Structures at many sites have been replaced over the years but the buildings generally have been retained. Many locations were were originally calculated from six-figure National Grid References which are only accurate to the nearest 100 m and may be incorrect. We are happy to correct any errors.
Google Earth can be used to view historical aerial photos (the quality varies widely). A file of all sites is available here [link to be added]